Automate Rent Collection: How do I set up my deposit account? Answer: Landlords and property managers may add a deposit account to receive rent and other payments from their portals. From your home page, hover your mouse ...
Automate Rent Collection: How do I switch my deposit account used to receive payments? Answer: Landlords and property managers may select alternate deposit accounts for receiving payments at the unit level after the account has been setup. From your home ...
Landlord/Property Manager Miscellaneous Functionalities: How can I edit my tenant's email address? Answer: The initial use of the tenant's email address is for an invitation to be sent on your behalf to your tenant asking them to activate ...
Conveniently Store & Share Documents Online 24/7: How does document sharing work? Answer: Landlords and property managers have an option to “Let tenant view" for each stored document. My marking the document as so, tenants will have access ...
Tenant Miscellaneous Functionalities: How do you setup your payment account? Answer: As a tenant, you may use either a bank account or a credit /debit card to make payments to your landlord or property manager. From ...
List Your Rental Property: How do I receive my leads? Answer: You decide how. You may receive phone calls or emails to your individual mail account. iManageRent keeps a copy in your inquiry manager tab. ...
My Company Website: What functionalities do you bring to my website?
Answer: 1) Display, edit and delete rental vacancies in list and detailed view formats.
2) The ability to offer and capture prospective tenants’ Lease Applications, including credit ...
General: Who can use iManageRent? Answer: We cater to small property owners and managers, tenants, and building service providers. ...
My Company Website: What are the technical steps in implementing website integration? Answer: 1) The following pages are required* on your website:
a) List view of vacancies
b) Detail view of individual vacancies
c) Apply to rental
d) Get more information
*If you ...
Estimate Market Rent: What criteria are used in generating the report? Answer: The report takes into account these major criteria: property address, zip code, multifamily vs. single family, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, location, proximity, ...
Tenant Miscellaneous Functionalities: How do I change my email address as a tenant? Answer: To change your email address as a tenant, please login to home page, hover mouse over your name on the upper right corner of the ...