Conveniently Store & Share Documents Online 24/7: How and where do I access documents that I have uploaded? Answer: Landlords and property managers may access your documents from the home page, under the "Manage Units and Tenants" Stored Documents tab. Tenants can access all ...
General: Is there an iManageRent app? Answer: An app refers to an application specially designed to be downloaded by a user to a mobile device. The iManageRent land/property manager dashboard is a ...
Conveniently Store & Share Documents Online 24/7: How does document sharing work? Answer: Landlords and property managers have an option to “Let tenant view" for each stored document. My marking the document as so, tenants will have access ...
My Company Website: How does website integration work?
Answer: We have developed our platform so it can be easily accessed by your website. On the front end, users will access your website for functionality, ...
Automate Rent Collection: How do multiple tenants of one unit pay rent? Answer: You may choose to accept rent from only one tenant or give the option to accept split payments. In all cases, all tenants are responsible ...
My Company Website: What is the cost of the website integration service?
Answer: The website integration service can be implemented at NO cost to you, yes $0. We charge a one-time $250.00 setup fee upfront and you earn ...
Estimate Market Rent: How do I handle furnished rentals? Answer: Our rental estimate assumes the property is in average condition compared to the condition of unfurnished properties in the radius searched . We do not ...
Landlord/Property Manager Miscellaneous Functionalities: How can I edit my tenant's email address? Answer: The initial use of the tenant's email address is for an invitation to be sent on your behalf to your tenant asking them to activate ...
General: I have a dispute with my landlord. What do I do? Answer: iManageRent is an online software as a service company. Through the proper use of our platform, we enable landlords and tenants to develop a consistent ...
General: I have a dispute with my tenant. What do I do? Answer: iManageRent is an online software as a service company. Through the proper use of our platform, we enable landlords and tenants to develop a consistent ...
Easily Handle Maintenance & Manage Vendors: Who can create a maintenance issue? Answer:
A maintenance request can be created by tenants, property managers and landlords from the portal.