Frequently Asked Questions

24 search results

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  • List Your Rental Property: How can I stop or cancel my listing?
    Answer: If you have filled your vacancy or, for any other reason, would like to stop your listing, it can be done in one of two ...
  • Easily Handle Maintenance & Manage Vendors: Can a picture be attached to a maintenance request?
    Answer: Yes, a picture and or pdf can be attached to the maintenance issue to provide more information. ...
  • Easily Handle Maintenance & Manage Vendors: Can a document be attached to a maintenance issue?
    Answer: Yes, a picture or a pdf document can be attached to the maintenance issue to provide more information. ...
  • Easily Handle Maintenance & Manage Vendors: What accounting information can I attach to each vendor?
    Answer: Tax ID, payment terms, accounting category, expense account, and 1099 specifications can be tracked for each vendor. ...
  • Easily Handle Maintenance & Manage Vendors: Can I add and store different contacts for each vendor?
    Answer: You can store up to five contacts per vendor. ...
  • Conveniently Store & Share Documents Online 24/7: How does document sharing work?
    Answer: Landlords and property managers have an option to “Let tenant view" for each stored document. My marking the document as so, tenants will have access ...
  • Landlord/Property Manager Miscellaneous Functionalities: How to add a property under San Francisco Rent Control?  
    Answer: From your dashboard, click on the "Add new property" button in the upper right corner of the page. Enter any suitable property name, address, city, ...
  • Landlord/Property Manager Miscellaneous Functionalities: How to add a property?
    Answer: From your dashboard, click on the "Add new property" button in the upper right corner of the page. Fill in property details on the following ...
  • Landlord/Property Manager Miscellaneous Functionalities: How to delete a property?
    Answer: From your dashboard, find the required property and click on the "Edit property" button on its picture. Then hit the "Delete property" link on the ...

The most popular searches are:

  • General
  • Estimate Market Rent
  • List Your Rental Property
  • Automate Rent Collection
  • Automate Rent Increases
  • Security Deposit Accounting
  • Easily Handle Maintenance & Manage Vendors
  • Conveniently Store & Share Documents Online 24/7
  • Tenant Miscellaneous Functionalities
  • Landlord/Property Manager Miscellaneous Functionalities
  • My Company Website