General: Is there an iManageRent app? Answer: An app refers to an application specially designed to be downloaded by a user to a mobile device. The iManageRent land/property manager dashboard is a ...
Automate Rent Increases: What information do I need? Answer: Your property address, type (residential or commercial), current rent amount, adjustment date (last & next), adjustment amount or % rate, and adjustment frequency. To prepare ...
Estimate Market Rent: What do I get in the rental market report? Answer: The report provides an in-depth comparison of your property and other properties in the area that gives you valuable insight for discerning investment property analysis. ...
My Company Website: How do I benefit from website integration?
Answer: 1) You can manage (post/edit/delete) your vacancies onto your website without the help of a computer programmer and at the same time promote your listing ...
My Company Website: How does the Lease Application process work?
Answer: During the listing of your vacancies, you set your desired tenant acceptance parameters. A link to the application process will be added to all vacancies ...
My Company Website: How do I get started with website integration?
Answer: If you don’t have an iManageRent account, please create one by signing up. If you already have an account, access the “My Website” integration service ...
Landlord/Property Manager Miscellaneous Functionalities: How to move the tenant out of the unit on the property? Answer: From your dashboard, locate the unit that you would like to work on, hover your mouse over the tenant’s name, and click on "Edit Tenant". ...